Avancon Cost-Saving ZPC Conveyor Concept: Revolutionizing Efficiency in Material Handling

Avancon groundbreaking Zone Powered Conveyor (ZPC) Concept is designed to revolutionize conveyor systems across industries. Our innovative approach eliminates the need for central control cabinets and cable channels, streamlining installation processes and reducing investment costs by up to 30%. The Avancon ZPC Concept operates on zero pressure accumulation principles, offering a simple and efficient solution […]

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Avancon: redefining efficiency in conveyor systems with the roller conveyor „Up and Down“

In the realm of intra-logistics, belt conveyors have long been the backbone of incline and decline transport. But when maintenance halts operations for hours, efficiency takes a hit. Enter Avancon roller conveyors "up and down": revolutionizing the game. With maintenance in minutes, downtime is history, while conveyance remains top-notch. In the intricate web of warehouse […]

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Avancon’s Universal Profile Revolutionizes Conveyor Systems

In the dynamic world of conveyor systems, manufacturers and integrators have long relied on a multitude of profiles for stands, suspensions, brackets, and cross members. Yet, in a bold departure from convention, Avancon presents a paradigm shift: one profile to rule them all. Enter Avancon’s groundbreaking universal profile, careful crafted from finely anodized aluminum, exuding […]

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„Unlocking the future of conveyor systems: say goodbye to corners and hello to curves!“

Experience a seamless flow where corners transform into elegant curves, and movement surpasses mere smoothness. Welcome to AVANCON SA, the Swiss start-up rewriting the rules of conveyor systems. Bid farewell to the cumbersome corners; our revolutionary curves redefine transportation’s very landscape. Envision a world of endless possibilities seamlessly integrated into your conveyor system, courtesy of […]

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Un importante cliente soddisfatto ha ordinato un secondo centro logistico ad Avancon

Avancon sta ottenendo sempre più clienti soddisfatti. Come questo centro logistico del partner di licenza di Avancon in Corea del Sud, ASETEC./CRAFTID. "Questo è un grande onore per noi, perché vediamo un altro successo con un cliente soddisfatto", afferma Hyunmin Park, amministratore delegato di Avancon Asia. Questo grande sistema autonomo complessivo di un tipico centro […]

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A satisfied customer just ordered a second fulfillment center

Avancon is increasing the customers satisfaction. As this logistics center from Avancon’s license partner in South Korea, ASETEC./CRAFTID. „This is a great honor for us, as we see another success with a satisfied customer,“ says Hyunmin Park, the managing director of Avancon Asia. This large self-contained overall system of a typical logistics and distribution center […]

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Zufriedener Gross-Kunde hat ein zweites Logistikzentrum bei Avancon bestellt

Avancon bekommt immer mehr zufriedene Kunden. Wie dieses Logistikzentrum von Avancons Lizenzpartner in Südkorea, ASETEC./CRAFTID. "Das ist eine große Ehre für uns, denn wir sehen einen weiteren Erfolg mit einem zufriedenen Kunden", sagt Hyunmin Park, der Geschäftsführer von Avancon Asien. Dieses große, in sich geschlossene Gesamtsystem eines typischen Logistik- und Vertriebszentrums eines der wichtigsten Pharmahändler […]

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Zeit- und Kostenersparnis bei der Installation von Förderanlagen

Die Avancon SA in der Schweiz hat viele Ideen für die Installation von Förderanlagen auf der Baustelle entwickelt. Ihr Konzept der ZPC (Zone Powered Conveyor) Rollenförderer und ZPCGurtförderer reduziert den Aufwand auf der Baustelle auf ein Minimum. Sie können 50’% und mehr an Zeit und Kosten einsparen. Die Installation einer komplexen Förderanlage vor Ort erfordert […]

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