– Organic sales growth of 11 percent
– Growth in the retail range
– Losses in the Professional business
– Focus on sustainability

Dr. Oetker’s food companies increased their sales to around EUR 3.7 billion in the 2020 financial year, and were therefore able to grow by 11 percent after adjusting for the effects of the scope of consolidation and exchange rates. The investments of Dr. Oetker and the Conditorei Coppenrath & Wiese amounted to around EUR 156 million. The companies are thus creating the basis for further growth in the coming years.

The corona pandemic had a significant impact on the 2020 financial year, which among other things, led to a sharp decline in sales for the out-of-home market. On balance, the companies were able to compensate for these losses despite high investments in maintaining production.

“The impact of the corona pandemic on global economic activity was – and still is – severe. Fortunately, we were able to quickly adapt to the uncertain challenges. We developed hygiene and safety concepts to maintain all our work processes and implemented them in a disciplined way. Thanks to our innovative product and service solutions and, above all, the impressive commitment of our entire workforce, we were able to achieve a satisfactory result in the 2020 financial year despite the pandemic,” explains Dr. Albert Christmann, Chairman of the Executive Board of Dr. Oetker on the occasion of the publication of the annual key figures.

The Dr. Oetker companies operating on all continents achieved sales of EUR 3.71 billion in 2020 and grew by around 10 percent in the year under review when compared to the previous year (EUR 3.39 billion). Adjusted for the effects of the scope of consolidation and exchange rates, growth even reached 11 percent. Dr. Oetker achieved around 66 percent of its total sales outside of Germany.

In terms of acquisitions, the focus in 2020 was primarily on the continued integration of the companies acquired in previous years. In addition, smaller companies were acquired that complemented organic growth: As of July 30, 2020, the shares in InterNestor GmbH, an online provider of home-baked individualized gateaux, were increased from 49 to 100 percent. In addition, Dr. Oetker acquired NewCakes B.V., the European market leader in multi-brand specialty store cakes in the Netherlands.

More Information is attached.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Dr. August Oetker Nahrungsmittel KG
Lutterstraße 14
33617 Bielefeld
Telefon: +49 (521) 155-0
Telefax: +49 (521) 15529-95

Dr. Jörg Schillinger
Telefon: +49 (521) 15526-19
Fax: +49 (521) 15529-95
E-Mail: joerg.schillinger@oetker.de
Thierry Krauser
Hauptabteilung Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +49 (521) 155-2349
Fax: +49 (521) 15511-2349
E-Mail: thierry.krauser@oetker.com
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