Sesotec supports food manufacturers and processors in ensuring the best possible food safety: The high-end inspection devices quickly and reliably detect a wide variety of foreign bodies. With the new Compliance Package, Sesotec is launching innovative software for seamless and efficient documentation and guaranteed directive-compliant production.

The Sesotec software has the following functions:

Audit check – leads through the audit routine and logs all steps with the help of a process wizard.

Sensitivity Prediction – enables an automatic determination of the detection sensitivity of various foreign bodies.

Compliance Mode – sets sensitivity to factory or audit standards at the push of a button to produce compliantly and, at the same time, to reduce the false rejection rate.

Integrated Compliance Monitoring (ICM) – controls the detection capability of the inspection system. This continuous, internal control of detection requirements leads to immediate detection of deviations and increases the stability of the production process.

Integrated Validation Process (IVP) – is a documentation tool and yields proof that the desired quality objectives for the respective product have been achieved.

The compliance package is available for the VARICON+ IC metal detection system for conveyor belt applications, for the INTUITY metal detector, the LIQUISCAN VF IC metal separator for filler applications, and for the RAYCON D+ HX and RAYCON D+ HX LW X-ray systems.

Sesotec Product Manager Thomas Hellgermann explains: "With the Compliance Package, Sesotec has developed an all-round carefree system for food safety. Not only does it guarantee compliant food production, but users also benefit from greater process reliability because it ensures that their machines are working perfectly at all times. Product waste is thus reduced and, thanks to paperless documentation, processing plants are well protected against tampering."

More information about the Sesotec Compliance Package can be found on the Sesotec website

Über die Sesotec GmbH

Sesotec customers in the food, plastics and recycling industries face the challenge of combining sustainability and profitability. With intelligent technologies and services for foreign object detection, material sorting and analysis, Sesotec contributes to resource-saving and highly efficient production. Since 1976, Sesotec has been developing and building high-tech systems for a wide range of requirements in close cooperation with customers around the world, so that products of the highest quality can be manufactured with maximum added value and waste of resources can be avoided. In this way sustainable and high-quality production pays off for people, the environment and industry.

In addition to its headquarters in Germany, Sesotec is represented by a total of six subsidiaries in Singapore, China, USA, India, Canada and Thailand, as well as by over 60 partners in all major markets of the world.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Sesotec GmbH
Regener Strasse 130
94513 Schönberg
Telefon: +49 (8554) 3080
Telefax: +49 (8554) 2606

Brigitte Rothkopf
Marketing & PR
Telefon: +49 (8554) 308-2100
Fax: +49 (8554) 2606
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