Stella was the top student at the Denver Primary School. For her further education, the principal recommended her for the Ayhan and Dr Karl Busch scholarship. Busch South Africa wants to support her through high school: “We decided we’re going to push to get her into Jeppe Girls School, a remarkable school in Johannesburg,” explains Collette Anema, Operations Director at Busch South Africa. Sean Pieterse, General Manager of Busch South Africa adds: “We are hoping that she can succeed like she did in junior school and that we can continue to support her into university and possibly a future career. Maybe she will decide to come and work with Busch one day.”

Living in South Africa has not always been easy for Stella and her family, who sometimes face hostility as immigrants. Stella struggles with tears as she recounts: “Maybe we get bullied because I am short, I am a foreigner and stuff, and people get jealous that I am smart.”

Jeppe Girls School not only provides Stella with high educational opportunities but also offers room for personal development. In the eighth grade, for example, the girls choose an instrument to learn. Stella opted for the drums, and just like the school fees, the additional costs for the drum lessons are also covered by Busch South Africa.

Stella is aware of the opportunities that are now open to her thanks to Busch South Africa and thanks to the “Ayhan and Dr Karl Busch Scholarship”: “I’d like to say thank you to them, giving me this opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I will not disappoint them. I’ll try my best. Thanks for everything.”

The Ayhan and Dr Karl Busch Scholarship ensures that Stella’s talent will continue to be fostered in high school at the tuition-based Jeppe Girls School. The scholarship covers the costs of school fees and drum lessons, as well as transport, lunch, school trips, clothing, school uniforms and sports gear since January 2021.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Busch Vacuum Solutions
Schauinslandstraße 1
79689 Maulburg
Telefon: +49 (7622) 681-0
Telefax: +49 (7622) 5484

Sabrina Heinecke
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