With the increasing digitization and mobility in the business world, mobile solution for invoice approval in SAP becomes a crucial tool for companies to optimize invoice approval workflow and enhance efficiency. Often, more persons are involved in approval processes, employing the principle of “four eyes.” However, it’s common for these individuals to be out of the office, leading to delays in document processing and unfavorable business process outcomes.

The problem is elegantly solved by inPuncto’s mobile solution with biz²WebServer/biz²DocumentControl@Web. Not only does this increase employee flexibility, but it also significantly speeds up the approval process. This enables timely realization of discounts since discount deadlines are often very tight. Managers and other process participants can access the relevant documents from anywhere and approve them according to the four-eyes principle, leading to efficient handling of the entire process.

Mobile workflow management with biz²WebServer/biz²DocumentControl@Web

Integration of biz²WebServer enables seamless inclusion of specific (web) users, especially managers, in the electronic invoice workflow, facilitating smooth communication between the SAP system and users. Users access mobile functionalities via common internet browsers like Firefox or Google Chrome through the biz²DocumentControl@Web tool. The UI5-based user interface is responsive and automatically adjusts to various device screen sizes, allowing users to participate in the approval process actively, whether on the go or in a home office. This not only boosts employee flexibility but also enhances overall approval process efficiency.

User setup occurs both in SAP and biz²WebServer as dedicated (web) users, focusing on simple functions like approval, rejection, commenting, and forwarding. This enables swift and hassle-free handling of more complex tasks like invoice validation or accounting. The available features provide comprehensive support for the invoice workflow.

Key features & functions overview

  • Adaptive web design for optimal usage across different devices
  • Clear organization of invoices through lists and filters by categories such as “New,” “In Progress,” and “Sent”
  • Flexible adjustments in list view via column selection, arrangement, sorting, and search function
  • Essential invoice information in detail view: documents and comments displayed to support informed decision-making
  • Enhanced view for detailed insight into documents, workflow logs, and attachments with download and full-screen functionalities
  • Invoice processing functions: approval, rejection, commenting, and forwarding readily available
  • Seamless integration with the SAP system: data updates and change transmission, with automatic warning alerts for pending changes

By leveraging mobile document approval in SAP with inPuncto’s mobile approval tool, companies overcome the barriers of traditional approval processes, optimize their processes, improve response times, make timely critical decisions, and foster collaboration among different departments and employees.

If you have any further questions about inPuncto’s mobile invoice approval solution for SAP, don’t hesitate to contact our team!

Über die inPuncto GmbH

inPuncto GmbH is a SAP partner since 2000 and develops its own integrated enterprise content management solutions (ECM) for SAP to automate document-based business processes: add-on products, overall solutions based on them, product-related advice, perfectly coordinated hardware and high support quality.
The headquarters of inPuncto GmbH, founded in 1997, is in Esslingen, Germany.

More than 1,240 customers and over 150,000 users in 19 countries now use inPuncto’s add-on products.

Further information: https://www.inpuncto.com/

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

inPuncto GmbH
Fabrikstr. 5
73728 Esslingen
Telefon: +49 (711) 66188-500
Telefax: +49 (711) 758786-14

Telefon: +49 (711) 66188-500
E-Mail: marketing@inpuncto.com
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