SAP SELufthansa AGMorphosys AG und Formycon AG were the most actively traded stocks in the indices DAX, MDAX, SDAX und Scale All Share last year. This was announced by Deutsche Börse today when publishing its cash market trading statistics for 2023. In total, an order book turnover of €1.2 trillion was achieved last year on the trading venues Börse Frankfurt and Xetra. The total order book turnover for 2022 was €1.6 trillion.

The stock with the highest order book turnover on Xetra in 2023 within the DAX was SAP SE with €53.9 billion, followed by Allianz SE with €50.2 billion and Siemens AG with €49.7 billion. Lufthansa AG topped the MDAX index at €10.3 billion, while Morphosys AG led the SDAX with €1.5 billion. Formycon AG ranked as the most traded share in the SME segment Scale with a volume of €200 million. In the ETF segment the iShares Core MSCI World generated the largest volume on Xetra with €6.1 billion in the year 2023.

Order book turnover in December 2023 totalled €97.4 billion (previous year: €92 billion / previous month: €104.5 billion). Of this amount, €94.1 billion was attributable to Xetra and €3.3 billion to Börse Frankfurt. The average daily turnover on Xetra in December was €5 billion (previous year: €4.3 billion / previous month: €4.6 billion).

Further details are available in Deutsche Börse’s cash market statistics. For a pan-European comparison of trading venues, see the statistics provided by the Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE).

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Deutsche Börse AG
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Carsten Kipper
Telefon: +49 (69) 211156-54
Martin Möhring
Telefon: +49 (69) 211162-77
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