New Multi-Organ-Chip project towards vaccine & drug candidate testing for Tuberculosis

TissUse will receive funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a human preclinical lung-liver-lymph node co-culture on a HUMIMIC Chip infectable with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This collaboration will contribute to the development of Tuberculosis vaccine candidates and treatment. TissUse announced today that it has received funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation […]

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Philip Morris International and TissUse develop a human aerosol test platform to emulate the entire human respiratory tract

PMI and TissUse have signed a collaboration agreement to utilize PMI’s InHALES technology in combination with TissUse’s proprietary Multi-Organ-Chip (MOC) platform to enable inhalation exposure of functional human tissues in homeostasis at minute scale in vitro. The two partners will develop a highly innovative integrated human aerosol test platform that emulates the entire human respiratory […]

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TissUse launcht neue Produktmarkte HUMIMIC

TissUse, die Berliner Pioniere in Human-on-a-Chip Entwicklungen haben Ihre Produktmarke HUMIMIC gelauncht. Unter diesem Brand werden in Zukunft alle Produkte des Unternehmens gebündelt. Unter der Marke HUMIMIC bekommen die Produkte der TissUse GmbH ab sofort einen einheitlichen Auftritt und eine einheitliche Bezeichnung. Dadurch wird es für Kunden noch einfacher zu erkennen, welches Produkt für den […]

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