United States Home Decor Market by Product, Companies, Forecast By 2026

United States Home Décor Market was valued at US$ 190.96 Billion in 2020. The rising number of individual home buyers and expanding Real Estate industry are expected to drive the United States décor industry. Also, the surge in environmental awareness among consumers has shifted their preference toward eco-friendly home decor products, further boosting the Home […]

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Virtual Reality Market by Software, Hardware, Company Analysis, Forecast To 2026

Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that produces a 3D computer-based environment where a person can traverse, inter-connect and participate in the unrealistic world. The Virtual Reality Marketing strategy changes the way products and services are developed and delivered, further transforming into increased productivity and operational efficiencies across domains like Live Events, Video Entertainment, Videogames, […]

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United States Anaphylaxis Market, End Users, Forecast By 2027

Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially fatal allergic reaction. It is a life-threatening reaction with respiratory, cardiovascular, cutaneous, or gastrointestinal manifestations. The bulk habitual anaphylactic reaction is caused by foods, insect stings, medications and latex. People with hypersensitive to things in their environment, their immune responses overreact to an antigen by discharging chemicals that cause […]

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United States Generic Drugs Market By Segment, Company Analysis, Forecast By 2026

Generics are an off-patented drug that is pharmaceutical equivalents to branded medicines in term of administrative dosage, quality, effect, intended use and side effects. In the United States, generic drug production has increased because it is cheaper than any branded medicine. From the last 3 decades, U.S generic drug market has transformed from less than […]

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